Who is Invited: Media, PAC Members and Volunteers for the Patchogue Arts Biennial
Who is Throwing Event: Patchogue Arts Council, Inc.
When: Saturday, September 12, 2009 – 10 am
Where: Patchogue Village Hall, 14 Baker Street Patchogue NY 11772
This meeting will answer questions and assign duties to volunteers.
Description of Event:
The Patchogue Arts Council General Meeting for September will be all about the upcoming Patchogue Arts Biennial. We welcome the Media, PAC members and those who wish to volunteer for the Patchogue Arts Biennial. Ask questions, take photos of committee members or volunteer to help.
The Patchogue Arts Biennial will be held Oct. 3rd to Oct 24th in Briarcliffe College’s 12,000 sq. ft. exhibit hall. It will be the largest art exhibition of its kind ever staged on Long Island.
Forty-four [44] artists representing a broad cross-section of artistic creativity will each be given space to exhibit a representative body of work. The artists come from the entire island, Brooklyn to the East End and range in age from 25 to 80.
All forms and media currently in use from the traditional charcoals and painting to multimedia installations will be on display. Artist’s subjects range from landscape and portraiture to the nonobjective or conceptual. Viewers will surely see work that conforms to and expands their definition of art.
The exhibition's opening event on Saturday, October 3rd will feature a one-day sculpture garden on the perimeter of the campus of Briarcliffe College, and an artist reception from 2-5 pm with presentation about 3pm. Briarcliffe College is located at 225 W. Main Street, Patchogue.
The event is sponsored by the Patchogue Arts Council, Inc., Briarcliffe College, St. Joseph’s College and many others. Over $25,000 has been raised to put on this 3 week exhibit, now we need to get the word out to the community about the event and line up volunteers to make it happen. Visit www.PatchogueArts.org or www.PatchogueArtsBiennial.com after September 1, 2009 to view event website.
Want to volunteer and can’t make the meeting contact us at info@patchoguearts.org
Contact: Chairperson - John Cino, jcinosculptor@gmail.com 631-294-3323
Promotion Chair - Beth Giacummo, peppermonkeyny@optonline.net, 631-806-4722